Looking Back at 2017 | LassiterWare Cares

Looking Back at 2017 | LassiterWare Cares

As 2017 wraps up, we can’t help but reflect on all the incredible things our employees have done for their communities throughout the year. Their contributions included individual donations, advocating for a particular cause, and volunteering their days, nights and even weekends. The LassiterWare employees made their communities an even bigger priority this year and were fortunate enough to be able to help thousands in need.

Thank you for all you have done and for continuing to fulfill and grow the LassiterWare Cares mission. We are excited to see what 2018 has in store, but first, let’s celebrate some of our favorite endeavors from 2017!

October 2017: Feeding Children Everywhere

June 2017: Jacksonville Volunteers and Ronald McDonald House Charities of Jacksonville

November 2017: Leesburg Volunteers and Deliver the Difference

October 2017: Tampa Volunteers and Feeding Tampa Bay

Did You Know: Over $18,000 was donated to the LassiterWare Cares foundation by the LassiterWare employees for a variety of initiatives throughout the state of Florida in 2017.

December 2017: Ocala Volunteers and Deliver the Difference

December 2017: Maitland Volunteers and Deliver the Difference

August 2017: Educational Foundation of Lake County and 12th Annual Stepping Out for Education

President, Doug Childers, volunteered as 1 of the 5 local celebrities to compete.

February to March 2017: The American Diabetes Association Tour de Cure Orlando

Did You Know: Over $5,000 was donated directly to LassiterWare Cares by our business partners to help with the foundation’s initiatives throughout our communities in 2017.

February 2017: Deliver the Difference Food Party

June 2017: Harbor House of Central Florida – Walk a Mile in Her Shoes

August 2017: Tampa’s Backpack Drive – Donations went to Bellamy Elementary School & Lakewood Elementary School

March to May 2017 – March of Dimes Lake/Sumter March for Babies

Did You Know: Over 50% of the LassiterWare employees made a monthly monetary donation to the LassiterWare Cares foundation in 2017.

March 2017: Socius Foundation Cup-In-Hand Kickball Tournament

March 2017: Boys & Girls Clubs of Lake and Sumter Counties Youth of the Year Competition

October 2017: Deliver the Difference Hurricane Food Party

December 2017: Jacksonville Volunteers and Deliver the Difference

Did You Know: Over 100,000 meals were donated and/or packaged by the LassiterWare employees for families in areas such as Puerto Rico, Texas, and throughout the state of Florida in 2017.

February 2017: Habitat for Humanity East and Central Pasco County

November 2017: Food Drive – Leesburg Food Bank

We can not say it enough; thank you to our employees, business partners, clients, friends and family who have helped us help our communities. Without you the achievements we’ve made wouldn’t be possible!

For more information on LassiterWare Cares: Susan McClodden (800) 845-8437 Ext. 133


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