Marijuana in the Workplace | An Unclear Issue for Employers

Marijuana in the Workplace | An Unclear Issue for Employers

May 17, 2017, 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Join us in May for a Webinar to learn about Marijuana in the Workplace.  Gain an education and understanding to ensure your company’s policies and procedures are in compliance.

  • Does marijuana remain an illegal drug?
  • How many states have legalized:
    • Medical marijuana?
    • Recreational marijuana?
    • Both medical and recreational marijuana and what is the difference between the two in the workplace?
  • What are the common features of the State Marijuana Statues?
  • Do employers in states that have legalized marijuana still permitted to conduct marijuana testing on employees?
  • If an employee fails a drug test for marijuana, however, has a medical prescription, can the employer terminate employee or would that be considered discrimination?
  • If a company has multi-state employees wherein some states have legalized medical and/or recreational use of marijuana and some do not, how does a company effectively manage this issue in the workplace and be in compliance?
  • What should be included in the employee handbook/workplace policy regarding the legalization of the drug?

Speaker(s): Jeff Branham, Esquire and Doug Noah, Esquire
Dean, Ringers, Morgan & Lawton

View Webinar Recording


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